The YEAH! Network uses research, advocacy, and community education and collaboration to influence policy and practice in adolescent sexual health. By articulating a common agenda among diverse local, state, and national stakeholders, we are working to create an informed, empowered, and engaged response to teen pregnancy and sexual health disparities in Hampden County.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Collecting Signatures

In anticipation of the school committee meeting on March 15, 2010, 3 members of the Holyoke Adolescent Advisory Board met at Holyoke Health Center to collect signatures from Holyoke residents in support of comprehensive science based sex education.

Despite a very slow day at the health center, the girls were very successful and proactive. They approached people to ask for their support, explaining who they were and why comprehensive sex ed is so important to them.  After only 1 hour, they managed to collect 27 letters - pretty much a letter from everyone who walked in the door!

We are very proud of Keishabell, Christabell and Krizia and thank them for their hard work and dedication!