The YEAH! Network uses research, advocacy, and community education and collaboration to influence policy and practice in adolescent sexual health. By articulating a common agenda among diverse local, state, and national stakeholders, we are working to create an informed, empowered, and engaged response to teen pregnancy and sexual health disparities in Hampden County.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dear YEAH! Network members and community partners,

Partners for a Healthier Community (PHC) is currently in the process of collaborating with community partners to apply for the Notice of Intent (NOI) recently released by the Massachusetts Department of Health -Office of Adolescent Health and Youth Development for their Massachusetts Pregnant and Parenting Teen Initiative. Partners for a Healthier Community and the YEAH! Network will continue to work with community partners to sustain the Springfield Pregnant and Parenting Teen Project (SPPTP) which supports the collective goal to create collaborative, integrated, case management model of services for pregnant and parenting teens to improve their health and educational outcomes.

The 2nd and final NOI planning meeting will take place on Tuesday March 12th from 9a-10:30am at 280 Chestnut St, Conference Room 3a (3rd Floor), Springfield MA. If you have any questions about the NOI planning process or the Springfield Pregnant and Parenting Teen Project, please feel free to contact me at 413-533-9324.

My best,
Sarah Perez McAdoo, MD, MPH
Youth Empowerment Adolescent Health Network (YEAH! Network)