The YEAH! Network uses research, advocacy, and community education and collaboration to influence policy and practice in adolescent sexual health. By articulating a common agenda among diverse local, state, and national stakeholders, we are working to create an informed, empowered, and engaged response to teen pregnancy and sexual health disparities in Hampden County.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Resource Guide

This summer, the YEAH! Network is putting together a resource guide that we hope can be used by community agencies, those who work with youth, and youth themselves.

While there are many organizations doing wonderful work in Hampden County, there is often a lack of knowledge outside of these organizations about the work they do.  Our goals for the guide are to: 
·      Connect organizations that serve youth
·      Provide concise, easy to access information on services available to the community

The guide will eventually be provided both on our website and in a printed form.  Please visit the following site to complete the community Engagement form that will help us put together the resource guide: Click here to take survey